Object Based Learning



MU396 is a small fragment of a Pompeiian fresco. The fragment is angular in shape and has a large crack running diagonally across the lower left corner. A deep reddish-brown paint has been applied to the surface of the fragment and two thin horizontal bands of yellow paint can be observed at the top and bottom of the fragment. On the upper section of the fragment 5 letters have been lightly incised. The surface of the fragment is significantly abraded and chipped, with some sections of paint having been completely removed revealing the underlying white stucco surface of the original wall.


Macquarie University History Museum
Archaeology,Daily Life,Artefact,Rome,Cities of Vesuvius: Pompeii and Herculaneum,
Ancient History (Year 11 & 12)


  • https://objectbasedlearning.com/images/MU396/MU396_studentledinquiry.pdf
  • https://objectbasedlearning.com/images/MU396/MU396_objectanalysis.pdf
  • http://resources.metmuseum.org/resources/metpublications/pdf/Pompeian_Frescoes_in_the_Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art_The_Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art_Bulletin_v_45_no_3_Winter_1987_1988.pdf
  • https://www.museoarcheologiconapoli.it/en/room-and-sections-of-the-exhibition/frescoes/
  • http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/
  • http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/content/filerepository/CMP/00/006/456/D003%20Roman%20Wall%20Painting%20Techniques3.pdf
  • http://archaeologicalmuseum.jhu.edu/the-collection/object-stories/the-roman-house-at-hopkins/roman-walls-and-floors/
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXkpFnF7ovY
  • http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/exhibitions/pompeii_and_herculaneum/pompeii_live/eruption_timeline.aspx
  • https://readers.ideasroadshow.com/issue/andrew-wallace-hadrill-2013-06-07?play=1&token=b7d84776-8ea2-4a99-856c-3d96e6f47952
  • http://digitalhumanities.umass.edu/pbmp/?page_id=1258
  • https://pompeiiinpictures.com/pompeiiinpictures/index.htm
  • http://herculaneum.uk/index.htm
  • http://donovanimages.co.nz/proxima-veritati/Herculaneum/intro-5.html
  • https://www.instagram.com/pompeii_parco_archeologico/?hl=en
  • Anderson, M.L., (1987-1988), �Pompeian Frescoes in The Metropolitan Museum of Art�, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 45;3, pp.1-56
  • Cooley, A.E., & Cooley, M.G.L., (2004), Pompeii; A Sourcebook, London.
  • Dobbins, J. & Foss, P., (2008) The World of Pompeii, London.
  • Flohr, M., & Wilson, A. (eds.) (2017), The Economy of Pompeii, Oxford.
  • Harbison, R., (2015), Ruins and Fragments Tales of Loss and Rediscovery, London.
  • Milnor, K., (2014), Graffiti and the Literary Landscape in Roman Pompeii, Oxford.
  • Wallace-Hadrill, A., (1994) Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum, New Jersey.


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Macquarie University History Museum (2024). MU3396. //sveltekit-prerender/artefacts/mu3396/ (accessed on: Tue Jul 09 2024).

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