Object Based Learning

Amulet mould


MU3352 is a small clay amulet mould. The mould is roughly semi-circular in shape and has the impression of a sow (female pig) in its centre. This mould dates to the Late Period but they were very common from the New Kingdom onwards. Characteristic features such as the eye, snout, tail and five teats of the pig can be observed. The small ridge which would form on the back of the sow would have been pierced horizontally allowing the amulet to be strung and worn. The amulet which is displayed with MU3352 however is a modern reproduction and is an excellent example of experimental archaeology. The sow was seen as an animal manifestation of the sky goddess Nut and was a popular motif for protective amulets. In Egyptian mythology Nut was believed to give birth to the sun each day at dawn and swallow it again at dusk. Similar behaviour was observed with the sow, as it can be a very nurturing mother but will also occasionally consume its young.

Amulet Mould and Sow Amulet


Amulet mould
Macquarie University History Museum
Egypt,The Emergence of Early Societies,artefact,daily life,archaeology,
Ancient History (Year 11 & 12)
Late Period
664 – 332 B.C.E
Nile silt
2.9cm (h) x 4.7cm (w) x 2cm(d)
Macquarie University, MAC


  • Andrews, C., (1994), Amulets of Ancient Egypt, London.
  • Hart, G., (1986), A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Oxford, pp. 110-111.
  • Hodgkinson, A.K., (2015), "Archaeological Excavation of a Bead Workshop in the Main City at Tell el Amarna", Journal of Glass Studies 57, 279-284.
  • Lesko, L., (2005), 'Nut', in D.B Redford (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, Oxford.
  • Mendoza, B., (2017), Artifacts from Ancient Egypt, Santa Barba, CA, pp.53-60.
  • Nicholson, P.T. & Shaw, I. (eds) (2000), Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology, Cambridge.
  • Tristant, Y. & Ryan, E. (eds.) (2017), Death is Only the Beginning,/i>, Oxford, p.250-255 and cat.63, p.272-273.
  • Vanthuyne, B., (2015), "Amarna Factories, Workshops, Faience Moulds and their Produce", Ägypten und Levante 22;23, 395-429.
  • Wilkinson, R.H., (2003), The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, London.


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Macquarie University History Museum (2024). Amulet mould, MU3352. //sveltekit-prerender/artefacts/amulet_mould/ (accessed on: Tue Jul 09 2024).

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